
After going into the transport services business, an entrepreneur from Onești has reached revenues of over 100 million euros in the agriculture business.

Efficient farming is done on 30% of the country's farmland, with 4.000 farmers providing 70% of the annual grain production. The latter category includes farmer Mihai Ilie (50) from Onești, who owns Agricultorul Group, with operations in the grain trade and fertilizer distribution, and whom last year took over the majority stake in Panimon SA Onești, one of the main producers of milling and bakery products in Bacau county. Reserved in his statements but permanently connected to the business environment, Mihai Ilie hints that he became one of the biggest farmers in the Moldova region by learning from his own mistakes.

published on March 23, 2022

Ilie Mihai, an entrepreneur from Bacău reached over 45 million euros turnover in the grain trading business. Agricultorul Group is a fertiliser distributor and grain trader, active in the north east part of the country.

The company Agricultorul Group from Bacău, one of the most important grain traders and distributors of agricultural raw materials in Moldova area, managed by entrepreneur Ilie Mihai, had a turnover of about 216 million lei (45.6 million euro) last year, 16% more than the previous year, according to calculations made by ZF based on data from the Ministry of Finance website. The company from Bârsănești, Bacău county, made a net profit of more than 12.6 million lei (2.7 million euros) in 2019, up about 62% from the previous year, with an average number of 68 employees, according to public data.

published on August 29 2021

AGRICULTORUL Group a succesful business created by Mihai Ilie!

Agricultor SRL is one of the well-known companies supplying cereals, fertilizers, and agricultural services in the eastern part of the country. The business located in Bărsănești, Bacău county, was founded by Mihai Ilie, who together with his wife is still actively managing the company. In the early 1990s, Mihai Ilie (46 years old) from Bacău started a business in the transport industry, and in parallel, through a family association, he was also managing a farming business, mainly growing wheat on the family's 20 hectares. He expanded by leasing 100 hectares from relatives and friends.

published on July 17, 2018

Local entrepreneurs. Mihai Ilie an entrepreneur from Bacău, made a profit of 19mil lei in 2020 in grain trading business.

 The company Agricultorul Group from Bacău, one of the most important grain traders and distributors of fertilizers in the noth-eaters part of Romania, owned by entrepreneur Ilie Mihai, reported a turnover of 239.8 million lei (about 50 million euros) for 2020, up 11% compared to the previous year, when the company had a total turnover of almost 216 million lei (45.5 million euros), according to calculations made by ZF based on data from the website of the Ministry of Public Finance.

published on August 31 2021

The Local Entrepreneur Mihai Ilie, Who Owns Agricultorul Group, Supports The County’s Rescue Service.

Bacău Mountain Rescue, a structure that operates as a public institution for the county’s interest, under Bacău County Council, has received from Agricultorul Group Onești, a donation consisting of several materials necessary for the maintenance of the mountain trails in Bacău County. "We had the joy to meet special people, who love nature and get involved and know how to give to the community. We thank Mr Mihai Ilie and Sc Agricultorul Group Onești for the donation of materials which will be used by mountain rescuers from SPJ Bacău Mountain Rescue and volunteers from the Door to Outdoor Association for the maintenance of mountain trails in Bacău county", said representatives of Bacău Mountain Rescue.

published on July 23, 2021


Curtea Veche Association together with LOREDANA and with the support of Agricultor SRL and Azomures offered the volumes "Childhood Books" to students from Bârsănești, Bacău county. The event took place at the headoffice of the local partner, Agricultorul Group, starting at 12pm and aimed to promote reading among children from rural areas.

published on April 22, 2016

Mihai Ilie took over Agrotehnogrup Onești.

The entrepreneur from Barsanesti expands his activity in Onesti. The company managed by Mihai Ilie bought the shares of Agrotehnogrup, an agricultural company based in Onesti. The future plans include: a warehouse of 20,000 tons. "We bought the shares of Agrotehnogrup from Onesti. Agricultorul Group is now 100% shareholder, we have also started to upgrade the facility, we will built a grain dryer and some smaller silos.

published on June 10, 2014

S-a finalizat tranzacția anului la Onești! Renaște povestea unui brand cu o tradiție de zeci de ani în industria de morărit și panificație.

Fabrica de morărit și panificație Panimon, brand românesc cu o tradiție de peste 60 de ani, primește o nouă șansă odată cu finalizarea uneia dintre cele mai mari tranzacții din Oneștiul ultimilor ani. Agricultorul Group, companie deținută de omul de afaceri Mihai Ilie, a achiziționat pachetul majoritar de acțiuni al Panimon, tranzacția finalizându-se zilele acestea, după mai bine de jumătate de an de la inițiere.

publicat pe 22 Septembrie 2021